Friday, October 14, 2016

Brain Workshop Free Software Download
Brain Workshop is a Python implementation of the Dual N-Back mental exercise. This exercise is the only mental activity that has been scientifically shown to improve your short-term memory (working memory) and fluid intelligence. Workshop implements this dual n-back task, and allows you to attempt to improve your own working memory and fluid intelligence. The dual n-back task involves remembering a sequence of spoken letters and a sequence of positions of a square at the same time, and identifying when a letter or position matches the one that appeared earlier. Brain Workshop can closely replicate the conditions of the original study. In addition, it also includes optional extended game modes such as Triple N-Back and Arithmetic N-Back for extra challenge. It also includes features such as statistics tracking, graphs and configurability.

Anecdotal evidence from users suggests that the dual n-back task can also enhance focus and attention and may help improve the symptoms of ADHD/ADD.

Brain Workshop works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Since its initial release in August 2008, Brain Workshop has been downloaded over 775,000 times.

Download File     New to Dual N-Back 
See this Wired article for an introduction to the Dual N-Back  exercise and its benefits.
Read the original research paper by Jaeggi, et al. (2008).    Learn how to play by reading this quick tutorial.
Download the software.

We welcome the use of Brain Workshop for experimental research. The program can be configured for a wide variety of scenarios.

 See the Downloads section for installer and a plain zip file.

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